nedelja, 26. januar 2014

Obisk rezidence slovenske veleposlanice

Včeraj smo z Majo in Aljažem obiskali rezidenco slovenske veleposlanice in njene družine tukaj v Indiji. Spremljale so nas naše gostiteljske družine, Aljaža kar vse tri, skupaj s predstavnicami Amityja. Veleposlanica se je zahvalila Amityju in našim gostiteljskim družinam za vso gostoljubnost in skrb, besedo pa je potem prevzela še ga. Jyoti Arora v imenu ge. Amite Chauhan. Povedala je toliko lepih stvari o naši izmenjavi in nas, da moram reči, da sem ponosna na vse tri, na stike, ki smo jih uspeli vzpostaviti.  Druženje je bilo nadvse prijetno. Z veleposlanico in go. Matejo, ki organizira naša srečanja, smo se dogovorili, da bomo poizkusili obiskati veleposlaništvo še enkrat pred našim odhodom, ki se prehitro bliža. Res, ko pomislim, da bo treba iti,  me kar stisne pri srcu, kljub temu da se hkrati veselim prihoda domov.

Lep pozdrav,

Farewell meeting hosted by Ambassador of Slovenia at her residence

Dear Mr Borut
I wish to share some this wonderful news....Today H.E Ambassador of Slovenia
invited the students, host families and faculty members for high tea at her
residence to bid them farewell and thank the school and the families. Kindly
find attached a photo.
What a beautiful interaction it was! Aljaz, Nina and Maja are such wonderful
ambassadors of their school and country ! They were so happy and gave a very
positive feedback to the Ambassador.
I hope this relationship built between our schools and country would grow
stronger each year.
Looking forward to our students visit to your school again this year.

Thank you so much for agreeing to our proposal of initiating the school

Jyoti Arora
HEAD, Amity Educational Resource Centre
Amity Group of Schools
E-27, AKC House, Defence Colony
New Delhi-110024